Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back. Back on land. Back in L.A. Back to the grind. It's a fulfilling grind though, creatively fruitful, challenging and overdue. I'm drilling into my noggin's word bank, massive word Word doc, typing skills and tech-savviness. A common realization slapped my apples when I returned home from my trip at sea and immediately, without flotation, dove into a new writing/editing job. It might've even hit me as early as powering on my cell phone in St. Thomas after several days of digital dearth.
The Internet strips humans of the ability to focus and ultimately enjoy life's essentials. Certainly, the meaning of life and its values differ for every individual, but I'm even referring to life's basic necessities: food, shelter, water and air. And love. Let's be honest. Without a little love, your inner scrutiny could seize your soul and swallow you, completely.
While at sea, happily unplugged besides the occasional iPod track selection, my mind was at rest, soaking in the island scenery. An incredible flush unclogged my noodle. Never have I acquired such a peaceful sense of clarity. I reunited with nature, marine and land creatures, humans and myself. I connected with the weather in a way I'd never imagined. I truly tasted and enjoyed food (and drink). I breathed deeply. I devoted my full focus to every moment of my travels. I wrote in a journal. I used a pen. I inked on paper. My thoughts wrapped themselves around individual musings, not around the hundreds of emails and social media feeds vying for my undivided attention.
Shortly after reuniting with the digital world, these coveted feelings vanished instantly. My head, once poised upon my loose shoulders, grew heavy, sinking into my body, luring my shoulders to my ears.
Admittedly, while writing this blog post, I'm bouncing back and forth between Gchatting, checking two email accounts, posting on Facebook, people-watching, beefing up my Google Reader and, of course, sharing my thoughts via this post.
I lack substantial weapons to combat this dizzying disarray. How do you maintain clarity in a world that commands constant mental, physical and emotional overload? Riddle me that, readers.