Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why I Like Earthquakes

Lots of things in life shift. Our emotions, our goals, our priorities. Just like the earth's plates, our internal structure shifts, sometimes causing turmoil. In particular, our priorities in life can change and really impact our lives and futures. Maybe your priority is to be as wealthy as possible, and in the process of attaining this goal, you ignore your dreams. Then one day you wake up and scream "FUCK! What have I become?" You're miserable and somehow lost sight of your goals, probably because your priorities shifted. Now they shift again. You quit your job and regress to financial instability BUT are working towards your dreams. This will hopefully mean you're happy.

What are your current priorities?

The priorities of other cultures, on the whole, are different than ours. I envy their needs and wants and their abilities to succeed with these priorities. They value life so differently than we do. I want to have an admirable life story. I don't want to wake and scream "FUCK! I'm too old to shift!" Shift when you can and see what happens. You might fail but hopefully you will succeed. And if you do fail, don't worry, at least you moved things around and shook things up.

I like earthquakes; they keep you on your toes. Let's see what happens when I shift...

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