Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Friends, family, strangers - six months. We have six months remaining in 2011. We have six months to continue pursuing the year's goals. We have six months to turn our lives around and dream big. Six months. It's actually a nice chunk of time. Summer is alive and lightening spirits across much of the globe. Following the warmer months, which will indeed pass too quickly, comes fall, introducing a touch of chill to the air and some of the best fashion trends. Then there's winter. Dreaded winter. Seems far off, right? It is. Take this time to reconnect with your resolutions and strive to be that better woman or man. It's never too late. You're never too old, or fat, or skinny, or ugly, or pretty, or weak, or single, or married, or broke, or child-rearing, or depressed or happy to lift that chin higher and open a few windows.

2011 has been a year of windows for me. It began with a blessing and a curse - a broken foot. While healing, I practiced some serious soul-searching. What I found motivated me to elevate myself on all levels. I've never been happier or healthier in my twenties, and I'm turning 28 in a month. My love for Hudson, my manfriend of 4.5 years, has grown immensely after experiencing his selflessness and willing to be my slave while bedridden. I've lost 30 pounds since January 1st, and I intend to lose 30 more. I abandoned practicality once again and left my secure job at JibJab to follow my dreams of becoming a writer. Freelancing has proved challenging but creatively fulfilling, and I was just offered a full-time position as an editor for LAist, an L.A.-centric blog which I've been volunteering with since January. Perseverance paid off, and I am so pumped to join the team. Did I mention I get to work from home? Tres cool. Loads of other positive happenings have occurred this year, and I can't wait to see what's next.

Speaking of next, I'm gearing up for a red-eye flight to St. Thomas (with a stop in Miami) for Hudson's Dirty Thirty Birthday Adventure. Along with his jet-setter parents and aunt, we're chartering a private 42-foot catamaran and sailing the seas of the Virgin Islands - U.S. and British. I can hardly believe the trip is here, tonight, departing in 20 minutes for LAX.

Take care, dear readers, and I wish you the best of times.

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