Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Discouraging Flowchart

I don't know much about Jessica Hische, but I do know that she created a hilariously brutal flowchart advising people to stop working for free. In one gray square she advises, "Don't be a dick," while in another she informs, "This is the most toxic line of bullshit anyone will ever feed you." Currently contemplating an unpaid writing gig for a well-known LA blog, Jessica's blunt chart took me through a short series of questions via circles, squares and lines. Where did I end up? At a big, bold, blue NO. My musing continues, though she definitely made me think thrice about this "opportunity." See! Right there! I quoted opportunity, as I'm hardly seeing it as one now. But the truth is, writing is my passion, and if I can share my thoughts with the public through a successful website, why not contribute sans pay for a little while. I'll just go easy on my cravings, like soy lattes from Espresso Cielo (I fucking miss you, you frothy cup of heaven) and freshly squeezed juice from One Life. Decisions, decisions. Restrictions, restrictions.

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