Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Month In!

Remember a month ago when you made that list of things you would do this year to make you a better person? You replayed 2010 in your mind, flagging failures, highlighting triumphs. You vowed to be nicer, healthier, smarter, more caring, more giving, less judgmental, less and more of everything of which you have too much or too little. Remember that list? Your RESOLUTIONS?!?!?!?! *your world shakes and a hanging wall ornament smashes to the floor.

How's it going? Are you becoming a superior human? Is 2011 YOUR YEAR? Hopefully you won't have to, but here's my friendly reminder to dust off that list and dig back in. It's not too late. It's only February 1st. You still have eleven more months to divide and conquer. There's still time to lose those pounds, stop talking smack, volunteer, take your vitamins, stop beating your wife, stop cheating on your boyfriend, recycle, etc., etc. Haven't picked up a book yet? No sweat. You know there are several lurking on your shelves, under your bed and possibly on the top of your toilet. Just turn to page one and do not stop until you're thirty pages in. If the book is worth your time and brain, you'll be hooked.

Me, I'm doing pretty well. I followed my dream and am working tirelessly to write every day. I'm blogging. I've lost 14 lbs. I plucked The Yiddish Policemen's Union from between other unread paperbacks and am 1/3 of the way through. I've stopped screening my calls. I'm drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. And besides the broken foot from day one, I'm feeling pretty good about 27 and in a few, 28.

I just need that golden retriever and that yard for him to run around in... Oh, and to be published in the New York or Los Angeles Times...

Here's to goodness. Don't give up.


  1. I'm so proud of you, girl! You are living your dream, and I have no doubt you will achieve the rest of your list before you know it!

    AS for me, my list was a *little* ambitious. I have a feeling I might not pay off all my debt by the rest of this year...but there's always the lottery! :)

  2. Thanks lady! Hey, you never know! Tons of freelance work could come your way, paying off your debt with enough leftover to buy us a beach bungalow in Costa Rica. :)

  3. i'm so very proud of you for being true to yourself and for following ton coeur.

    as for me, trying to meditate every day and quiet my mind...you know how hard that is for a mckinsey!! ahha, but i'm trying.

  4. Will you teach me how to meditate, Grasshoppa?
