Monday, February 21, 2011

Vagina Art

Karen LeCocq, a feminist artist, lecturer and activist, is not particularly fond of the term "vagina art." After chatting with her last Thursday, I understand her stance. To refer to feminist art in this way, as many people do, undermines the entire second-wave of the Women's Movement. Feminist art shocked our nation and plowed through boundaries that, without female fists, might still repress women today. Karen spoke passionately yet playfully about how we, as a society, tend to ignore the past. I agree that we must learn from the past in order to not repeat it, to appreciate the present and to anticipate the future. My respect for her and the other women who ignited the feminist art movement in the 1970s grew considerably while listening to her stories.

This elation intensified while crafting the article on her lecture, which took place this past Sunday at Craftswoman House in Pasadena. It lasted through Saturday afternoon until I read a disturbing article, courtesy of, listing ten disgusting Republican proposals affecting women's rights. Striking and  destroying my jolly lady power bubble, the list opened my gates and in flooded worry. I panicked for our future. But the knowledge of how much we've accomplished for women's rights and how undeniably strong and capable we are quickly replaced my fears with a wonderful sense of empowerment.

Republicans, you have waged a war on women. You have attacked our basic rights to own control of our bodies. You are a mindless mass of ignorant bodies, devoid of compassion, unworthy of being called humans. You wish to test us, GOP? Bring it. We will fight you to the death. And we will win. We are civil soldiers armed with tenacity, vigor and good ol' fashioned intellect. We will destroy you.

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